Friday 6 February 2009


The people I've worked with are what count the most in my career; how they perceive me and my work is the truest reflection of my ability. The industry we work in is truly tightly knit, and the words of a respected member of the professional community hold a lot of importance to me.

With that said, here's a couple of portions from references that you can find more detail on at my LinkedIn profile.

“Andrew is one of the most committed, driven and resourceful guys I've had the pleasure of working with." - Patrick Sinclair, CEO Proper Games Ltd

“Smiffy (Andrew) is a designer apart from the rest... ...His creativity for devising new concepts is staggering and entertaining as he does not seem to be bound up in the usual conventions associated with games design but all of his ideas are truly original and commercially viable as games." - John Harris, CEO Redhound Studios

Speaking of LinkedIn, please feel free to click through to my full-detail profile here, to see more recommendations and references, as well as all the usual good stuff you find (like who you know that knows me!).